US Clinical Observership


Medical Clerkship

US Clinical Experience

American clinical experience is extremely desirable, which makes your application very strong. Ideally at least 12 weeks of training is needed. It is mostly in the form of observership which is not exactly hands-on experience. A few programs however do offer hands-on experience/ externship to IMGs.

Most of the Clinical Observership and Externships are chargeable. The programs charge based on the duration of the experience.


Sample Clinical Observerships 

Various resources are available on the website. We can help you in identifying the program for US Clinical Observership in the area of your interest.

The above scene was true till the onset of pandemic. In the present post pandemic scenario a few observerships are offered online by some programs. Hopefully there will be some clarity post December 2021.

Sample US Clinical Observership Programs

Medical Clerkships

US undergrads regularly do electives outside their parent organization particularly so in sub specialties. Non- US medical students are also offered under visiting international student electives program. For these you should communicate with individual medical school well in advance ideally 1 year (at least). They accept students only with good credentials. Payments and duration vary.